27 July 2011

CFE (Crossfit Endurance) - Good Mornings; Hang Power Clean, Box-Jumps, KB Swings (Wednesday, 27 JUL 11)

I will be working on Crossfit Endurance's website for the next few months to see how well it does in increasing my endurance and strengthening my lungs (to prevent asthmatic reactions); which I've been lacking. It's broken down into three separate workouts: Strength (STR), WODs, and aerobic workouts (Short Interval (SI), Long Interval (LI), and Time Trials (TT) - all of which I will be running for the most part, but might throw in other aerobics like swimming or rowing to change things up).

Five roungs of -
Good Mornings (ME - Max Effort)
#135 x 6

Five rounds of -
Hang Power Cleans #135 x 9
High-Jumps (no box) x 12
KB Swings #55 x 15

No aerobics today


I'm finally done sulking and being a wimp! Time to grab life by the horns...long-horns for Micah and Dustin ^^