31 May 2011

WOD - Muscle-ups and Squat Snatch (Tuesday, 31 MAY 11)

Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch

Mine (9:54):
Three rounds -
Muscle-up progressions x 18, 12, 5 (I tried to double the reps since I'm doing progressions, but it didn't work out...find out why by reading on)
Squat clean (I read it wrong; my bad) x 9, 7, 5

Ya, so I get through the first two rounds, and I'm smoked. My muscles aren't really hurting that bad, nor am I gassed really bad, either. Rather, I'm just completely out of breath. I'm racking my brain as to why, since I can normally get through an exercise much more cardio-intensive than this one without being this wasted; and then I realize it: I forgot to take my dang asthma medication.


30 May 2011

WOD - Jump Rope Singles, Situps, 1min Sprint (Monday, 30 MAY 11)

Five rounds for time:
Jump rope singles x 50
Situps x 25
1min Sprint

Mine (13:18 - 5min of sprints = 8:18):
As prescribed

My jump rope broke *tear*

28 May 2011

WOD - Swimming, Pushups (Saturday, 28 MAY 11)

Five rounds for time of:
Swim 50 meters
25 Push-ups

Mine (13:58):
1 round of -
Swim 50m
Pushups x 25

4 rounds of -
Swim 25m
Pushups x 25

First off, I suck at swimming laps; my form's horrible, my shoulder's suck, and my asthma's a butt. However, I attempted to persevere; and realized that when I could barely finish that first 50m, I was doomed from the start. Therefore, I dropped it down to 25m, which I could barely complete on the last round. On top of all that, it was a family pool, where every parent and kid was staring at me; and every lifeguard was trying to determine whether they needed to run for the AED, as I lay on the matted surface next to the pool hoping for intervention. Good times. I'll have to integrate swimming in more often.

27 May 2011

WOD - Double Unders, Snatch (Friday, 27 MAY 11)

Seven rounds of:
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch

Mine (15:38):
Seven rounds of -
Jump rope singles x 100*
#75 snatch x 1

*Last round I did 46 singles and 54 tuck jumps (couldn't finish with jump rope because my shoulders were shot)

So, I suck at jump roping, hence the awkward picture; therefore, I decided to work on that by doing singles, while also getting a good workout by upping the amount.

23 May 2011

WOD - Weighted Pull ups (Monday, 23 MAY 11)

Weighted pull-ups 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

Mine (@ 215 body weight):
5 - 7.5 - 10 - 12.5 - 15 - 17.5 - 20

Feel like a weakling that wets himself...what could I use to fix that?

21 May 2011

WOD - Deadlifts, Push Press (Saturday, 21 MAY 11)

Complete as many rounds as possible in five minutes of:
275 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
115 pound Push press, 7 reps

Mine (4rds + 2 Deadlifts):
#225 Deadlift x 3
#95 Push Press x 7 (shoulders were tired from two days of shoulder-intensive workouts)

Also, I've started including beginner muscle-up exercises into my warm-up routine; hopefully within the next couple weeks, I'll get the movement down and be able to start knocking them out.

Photo Comment: Dude's trying to deadlift the 80's back in to style.

20 May 2011

WOD - Thrusters (Friday, 20 MAY 11)

Thruster 2-2-2-2-2-2-2


19 May 2011

Body Fat (Thursday, 19 MAY 11)

Yes, yes, I missed doing this on Tuesday...big whoop. Keep in mind that I did this right after finishing two mini pizzas...today's my cheat meal day =)

Weight: 216
Height: 70"
Waist: 39"
Wrist: 7"

Body Fat %:22
Body Fat Weight (lbs):47
Lean Body Mass (lbs):168
Daily Protein Requirement (g):134
or # of Blocks of Protein:19
# of Blocks of Carbohydrate:19
# of Blocks of Fat:19

WOD - Front Squats, Handstand Walk, GHD Situps (Thursday, 19 MAY 11)

Three rounds for time of:
95 pound Front squat, 21 reps
Handstand walk 40 feet
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
Handstand walk 40 feet

Mine (16:48):
3 rounds -
#95 Front Squat x 15
Wall walk x 5 (where you walk with your feet up the wall into a handstand pushup)
V-up x 30
Wall walk x 5 (my last round consisted of two sets of wall handstands for 40 seconds)

Man, I was seriously gassed by the middle of the first round. The rest was ebbed out through sheer willpower. Not sure what was so bad about today; maybe due to the high pollen, muggy weather, and asthma? *shrug*

WOD - Overhead Squats, Toes to Bar, Double Unders, Run (Monday, 16 MAY 11)

So, yesterday was supposed to be my day off, and I was supposed to workout on Tuesday, as well...that didn't happen with all the stuff that's been going on. Oh well. Guess I'll just start up again today:

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Overhead squat, 5 reps
10 Toes to bar
40 pound dumbbell Hang squat clean, 15 reps
20 Double-unders

Mine (20:00):
Five Rounds -
#65 Overhead Squat x 10
Situps on Abmat x 20
Regular jump-rope x 30
Sprint on elliptical x 1min

14 May 2011

Lawnboy (Sunday, 15 MAY 11)

As many rounds as possible in 1 hour:
#35 mowing drills across grass x 75
#28 edging sprints x 10

Mine (54:18):
Cut the dang grass

13 May 2011

ROCKBARROW! (Friday, 13 MAY 11)

So, today at work, we decided to cart in 10 pallets of sandstone blocks and big bags of rock...sweet.

WOD - Pullups, Wall-ball, Kettlebell Swing (Thursday, 12 MAY 11)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Chest to bar Pull-ups
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood

Mine (9 rounds + 10 assisted pullups, 10 wallball, 10 kb swing):
Pullups (Chest to bar) x 5
#16 Wallball x 10
1 pood Kettlebell Swing x 15

11 May 2011

WOD - Thrusters, Bar Burpees (Thursday, 11 MAY 11)

Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Bar-facing burpees

Mine (23:51):
#75 Thruster x 15
Bar-facing Burpees x 15

Oh My Gosh!!!! I was so freakin gassed through this workout. I think I got through two rounds and then had to sit down for a sec because I thought I might puke. Crazy.

10 May 2011

Bodyfat (Tuesday, 10 MAY 11)

Weight: 215
Height: 70"
Waist: 39"
Wrist: 7"

Body Fat %:22
Body Fat Weight (lbs):47
Lean Body Mass (lbs):168
Daily Protein Requirement (g):134
or # of Blocks of Protein:19
# of Blocks of Carbohydrate:19
# of Blocks of Fat:19

Hmmmm...about the same as last week. The Zone calculator doesn't compute quarter inches, so it calculated it the same as last week. However, I DID lose another quarter inch, so that's cool.

09 May 2011

WOD - Box Jump, Power Snatch, Pull-up

21-15-9 reps for time of:
24" Box jump
75 pound Power snatch
Chest to bar Pull-up

Mine (13:17):
20" Box Jump
#65 Power Snatch
Pull-ups = 21 & 15 sets were jumping pullups (I forgot to shave off callouses, so hands hurt pretty bad); 9 regular pullups

06 May 2011

WOD - Ring Row, Bench, Squat (Friday, 06 MAY 11)

Brought to you by MOBILE BENCH!

Five rounds for time of:
15 Ring rows
155 pound Bench press, 15 reps
225 pound Back squat, 15 reps

Okay, so I didn't have access to the Brandx website, which I normally use to find out the scaled versions of workouts; so I had to scale this one on my own. I ended up with this:
Five Rounds -
10 Ring Rows
#135 Bench Press x 15 reps
#135 Squat x 15 reps (I couldn't do much more since I did my 5 rep PR on back squats yesterday)

Mine (14:52...actually 15:52, but I adjusted 1 minute for two separate weight changes)
10 Ring Rows
Bench #135, #135, #135, #135, #135(8reps),#105(7reps)
Back Squat #135, #135, #135, #135(10reps), #105(5reps), #105

05 May 2011

Bodyfat (Wednesday, 04 MAY 11)

Weight: 216
Height: 70"
Waist: 39.25"
Wrist: 7"

Body Fat %:22
Body Fat Weight (lbs):47
Lean Body Mass (lbs):168
Daily Protein Requirement (g):134
or # of Blocks of Protein:19
# of Blocks of Carbohydrate:19
# of Blocks of Fat:19

Bodyfat (Sunday, 24 APR 11)

So, my dad and I are going to start a fitness and nutrition regiment personalized for each of our individual needs. We will be taping ourselves, uploading it to Zonediet.com's bodyfat calculator, and checking in with each other for support every week. In addition to my WODs, I'm going to start keeping track of my measurements, bodyfat percentage, and zone block adjustments.

Weight: 219
Height: 70"
Waist: 39.5"
Wrist: 7"

Body Fat %:23
Body Fat Weight (lbs):51
Lean Body Mass (lbs):169
Daily Protein Requirement (g):135
or # of Blocks of Protein:19
# of Blocks of Carbohydrate:19
# of Blocks of Fat:19

WOD - Front Squat

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

(Did 2 sets of #135 to warm up; also, didn't have the workout with me, so I didn't realize it was front squats, and ended up doing back squats)
#205 - #255 - #255 - #265(dropped this one on the 4th rep) - #225

04 May 2011

WOD - Jeremy

Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Overhead squats

Mine (5:49):
Three rounds, 21 -15 -9, for time
#65 Overhead Squats

Three year old Jeremy Bloniasz lost his life in a tragic accident
Thursday, July 6th. To Jeremy's parents, Kelly and Jeremy, the
entire CrossFit family offers our deepest sorrow.

In young Jeremy's honor the following kid's workout will be
known from here on as "Jeremy."

Lack of WODs

So, I know I've had a lack of WOD's for the past 3-4 days, but my hands are still really tender after I cut off my callouses. I'll start again Wednesday.